Friday, February 20, 2015

Ouch my body !!!

Well this week has been an incredible week .... I failed in the area of being prepared for sure! I have celebrated with my girls two nights this week after some BIG wins, I have had some late practices and have not had any free time for meal planning which means I have treated my body horribly!!! And I am feeling it! This is me: tired, on my way to work, no makeup, hair not done, in comfy clothes... And even though I am usually a ball of energy.... Today I would love to go back to bed and sleep today away.

However, even though I feel this way now! Today has been a huge one for me already with some incredible news! Dreams coming true kind of news!!! And tonight I get to be one on one with my love as I spoil him some 😍 And also get to enjoy a night out on the town tonight! So yes I may be feeling the punishments from my actions and treating my body so bad. This has been wonderful for my mind and soul but awful for my body! But tomorrow I am back on track!!! I have to many goals to hit to play these games. Today, I am thankful for the reminder of this lesson and thankful to be this busy! This just means there are so many possibilities, opportunities and dreams happening in my life and in the lives around me.

Friday, February 13, 2015

This mornings workout

I had to push it, push it, push it this morning to prepare for ladies night tonight!!! 4 miles down and even half way dressed already for tonight and nails done for a sweet date tomorrow 😍. Super motivated, determined, and focused. Yes, the 8 lbs lost this week is helping with all those factors and is surely going to help with my willpower tomorrow. I am in love with this program!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 3 of 21 Day Fix Extreme

Day 3 of 21 Day Fix Extreme! After staying up late working on my dreams getting up was a challenge but I knew I had to because I am packed tonight with stuff to do. Good thing I didn't know it was Pilates Fix before I started because I have never been a Pilates or Yoga girl, but Autumn have me a run for my money adding those resistance bands. Feeling the burn and loving it!!! 

Last night in our team meeting we got to talking about how setting that pattern to waking up early is getting easier on all of us! I never thought I would be able to get into that routine but dang proud I have!!! More family one on one time with my girls ❤️  Then we talked about how awesome super women we have been feeling getting everything we have been getting done well DONE! So ironic how those Super Man's were whipping my butt this morning with those bands but I did it! And now that I have my Super Woman clothes (aka sexy dress) on for the day I am ready to change some lives!!! 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Challenge Groups Starting

A couple of years ago I was the lowest in life I have ever been. Drowning in debt, a sick baby in and out of the hospital, and dealing with a never ending stress of an unnecessary court case that was affecting a ton of different areas of my life. I was gaining weight by the day and totally losing myself in the day to day struggles of life.

Shakeology, and Beachbody, has changed my life in so so so many ways!!! I am starting to see it as so much more, kind of like a good luck shake, because it seems whoever drinks it, things just start happening and falling in place. 

When I started drinking Shakeology of course it was for weight loss and it did certainly help me drop that 70 pounds!!! However, starting was not an easy decision for me because at that time I simply could not afford it. When I started I had a sick baby piling up the medical bills and I was going through this lame court case that was a huge waste of money and then just life expenses with four kids! Who had the money??? Now though looking back, I don’t regret it for a second talking myself into it. I NEEDED to lose the weight, right? So I made the sacrifices.

Once I started to see all the benefits Shakeology was having on my body like having a balanced nutrition, less anxiety, less tears, tons more ENERGY and feeling better than ever, the weight loss wasn’t even as important anymore and was more like an extra bonus!

Well I knew I would never give up my Shakeology so I signed up to be a coach just for the discounts! I had a few friends that had been interested so they ordered with me and instead of just getting a discount, I realized my Shakeology was paid for! Extra bonus!!! And yet, I was having so much fun helping them.

So I decided to REALLY start coaching!!! From then everything has just happened from better jobs, promotions at work, paying off bills, baby getting better, happier family, meeting the most awesome people and friends in the world, to growing a large and successful team!!! I can go on and on……

The crazy part….  It was only a darn shake to drink for weight loss!!! How did I get here??? Most days I am not so sure how but I know everyday I am extremely grateful for it. I never thought in a million years this would be me.

Now I am living and loving life on my way in my journey and able to help others with their goals. I am a stronger person physically and mentally than ever. On my way to being financially free just by reaching out and helping others do the same by sharing my excitement and love for Shakeology and Beachbody. 

*****  In the back of my mind when someone new comes along and asks for help in weight loss, I smile big time…. because I secretly know it is SO MUCH MORE !!!!

Day 2 of 21 of 21 Day Fix Extreme

Day 2 of 21 Upper Fix Extreme DONE!!! That wasn't so bad except the whole having to get out of bed so early, oh and those triceps lifts were killer!!! Sore but loving it, I had been missing this feeling! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Pickle Juice


Who Knew???

Post-Workout Drink:
Forget coconut water. Athletes swear by pickle juice's scientifically proven benefits to exercise recovery. In one 2010 study, pickle juice halted post-workout muscle cramps in 85 seconds. That, plus its electrolyte-restoring powers has even yielded Pickle Juice Sport - a dill-flavored sports drink. But really, most athletes stick to good old Vlasic!

PMS Remedy:
For those same reasons, pickle juice is widely used as a cure for menstrual cramps. It may also prevent you from eating four bags of potato chips in one day. Not that we ever did that. That was a friend.

Potato Pick-Me-Up:
Add a heavy splash of pickle juice to a pot of simple boiled potatoes for a fantastic side dish. The flavors absorb so perfectly you won't want to add salt, butter, sour cream, or anything to these taters once you're done. Making potato salad? Skip the mayo, and toss with veggies and pickle juice for a much healthier (and more flavorful) version.

Pickleback Shot:
Odds are you've seen this cocktail on a bar menu sometime in the last couple years (lore has it they were first sold out of a London food truck in 2011). Perhaps you scoffed or called it a fad, but the truth is bartenders claim this to be the perfect complement to whiskey, instantly soothing the taste buds and aftershock of a rough liquor. Order one, and you will order five. For bonus points, follow that up with a

Hangover Cure:
If you can stomach it on a hangover tummy, pickle juice is a known folk remedy that actually works. It replenishes your depleted sodium levels and helps to assist in rehydration. In many countries, people even take a shot of pickle juice before going out to help prevent dehydration in the first place.

Vinegar Replacement:
Pickle juice works in place of vinegar in salad dressing, soups, or virtually any recipe. It is essentially vinegar on steroids.

Heartburn Cure:
Along with its flavor-boosting benefits, pickle juice seems to have the same health effects as straight-up vinegar. Particularly effective as a heartburn soother, pickle juice may also help to avoid blood-sugar spikes if taken with a meal.

Bloody Mary Booster:
On the not-as-healthy-but-just-as-important side of the spectrum, pickle juice is absolutely dynamite in a Bloody Mary. When its hangover-killing benefits combine with a little hair of the dog, nothing could make your Sunday morning any greater.
Except cronuts

Cleaning Agent:
Food industry insiders have been using pickle juice to clear blackened copper pans for years. It also works well as a grill cleaner, making those charred, crusted-on bits much easier to scrape off.

Dill Pickle Bread:
Make this. Make it now.

Pickle Popsicles:
True, you can buy these on (actual, real thing), but you can also just pour some of this glorious nectar into pop molds, paper cups, or ice-cube trays and make your own savory summer snack.

Or maybe you just want some more pickles? Empty your vegetable drawer and throw some onions, carrots, peppers, whatever, into the jar of leftover pickle juice. Let them sit for a few days and BOOM: new pickles!

Meat Tenderizer & Marinade:
Pickle juice has amazing meat-tenderizing abilities and, as a marinade, will add a ton of flavor to your meats, without the extra cals in heavy sauces or marinades. It works exceptionally well on chicken - some claim a skinless breast soaked overnight in pickle juice will taste like fried chicken when cooked, and we say that is voodoo but we're okay with it. Try it on cuts of pork and beef, too.

Fish Poacher:
There is very little in this world that sounds more healthy-boring than poached fish. But, add your pickle juice to the poaching water and you will never look back.

Weed Killer:
The high vinegar and salt content of pickle juice has made it a longtime favorite with gardeners. Dumping it on dandelions, thistle, and virtually all common weeds that crop up around your home. Bonus, it's pet-friendly and you probably already have it in your fridge!

Recipe Add-On:
We lost track of all the things you can add pickle juice to, but some favorites include: BBQ sauce, hummus, chicken salad, mac 'n' cheese, gazpacho, deviled eggs, vinaigrette, borscht, beet salad, salsa, bean dip, and meatloaf.

Hiccup Stopper:
We've found little scientific evidence backing up this claim (and, frankly, we're glad the scientists are working on other things), but many, many people claim that the number-one cure for hiccups is a small glass of pickle juice. Given how well this stuff works on everything else in the world, we believe it.

Day 1/21 Extreme

I knew all I needed was a quick fix to feel like myself again!!!  PLYO Fix that is, calm down! 

Day 1/21 workout completed and now the hard part, nutrition! But I meal planned last night and am set to go so today will be a success! #21dayfixextreme #onmyway #accountabilitypartner #believeinyou #noexcuses

Who else is digging that leg workout?