Friday, May 30, 2014

Join Our Team

Why Should You Join our team?

Our team is not just a team, it is a family! And, we are one of the fastest and most successful teams in Beachbody. Our team is regularly in the top 10 of every team contest Beachbody holds. And the best thing about it? We have created an easily duplicable system that can get you similar results! Coaches who have followed our system went from making nothing to being a Beachbody Coach and can even replace their full-time income in a about a year! You can actually make money by truly helping others! What better job is out there?

Why my Team May NOT be for You

It requires hard work and dedication and your success is parallel to the effort you put forth. This is not a get rich quick scheme. We live by the motto, “be here for a year.”  This means give this business your all for one year and you will be amazed by what it can do for you! Are you ready to change the lives of countless others, all while working on yourself? What are you waiting for?!
Do You Have What It Takes !?!
Do you believe YOU have what it takes and are looking for something that both challenges you as a leader, at the same time you help to change lives and live the life of your dreams? This is not just a JOB. This is not just about making MONEY. This is about joining a FAMILY. A family working towards YOUR goals and helping to lift others UP along the way.
I am currently looking to interview and fill 10 apprentice positions (available to NEW COACHES only). I will be hand-selecting and personally mentoring these individuals along their entire journey. I will be focusing on teaching you the same system that has helped both myself and out team reach the level of success we have today!!! 
Just remember, it is UP TO YOU to APPLY that knowledge in your business! The system works and there is no denying that! You choose to work the system !!!
I would not be providing this opportunity to all of you if it was not something that I believe in whole heartily 100%!!! This IS a life altering opportunity to be in your best health ever while helping others to do the same.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Shakeology Cleanse

What makes the Shakeology Cleanse stand apart from the others is that the Shakeology cleanse is not a true "cleanse". The Shakeology Cleanse is a calorie restricted, nutrient rich cleanse. You won't be a zombie or feel like you are starving your body of vital nutrients, because you aren't! 

The main point of the Shakeology Cleanse is not calorie restriction but nutrient richness. The aim is to get the most nutrients into your body with the fewest calories consumed. 
These calories are to fuel your workouts and rid the body of toxins and hydration into homeostasis. The result with this cleanse to have your body run more efficiently and the weight loss is just an added benefit that most experience (you can lose anywhere from 3lbs to 10lbs in just 3 days!!).

The Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse is a "performance" cleanse. It is designed to be done along with a workout or fitness program. It's best to schedule during your recovery weeks if you are doing an intense program like P90X or INSANITY. It is also a GREAT way to jump-start ANY fitness routine and weight loss by doing the cleanse the week before you begin and getting your body healthy.

Reasons you may not lose weight:

First, most people WILL lose some weight but weight loss is not the goal of the Shakeology 
Cleanse. People with a lot of junk in their systems tend to lose the most weight from this cleanse. 

Second, restricting calories can be stressful. Stress in the body releases the hormone cortisol and inhibits you from losing weight. This is the reason why you don't do the Shakeology Cleanse no longer than 3 days.If you've been eating clean then there are less toxins and food left in your system to be rid of. While you may not lose much weight while doing the cleanse, your body will be ready to lose once you have finished and continue your fitness program.

The Benefits of the Shakeology 3-Day-Cleanse:
  • Rid your body of fat
  • Detoxify your body
  • Jump start your weight loss and fitness routine
  • Body rejuvenation

Frequently Asked Questions:

***How many calories per day?
800 - 1,100 per day
***How often can I do the Shakeology Cleanse?
Ideally you should do it once per quarter (every 3 months)
When you start a new workout program
When you feel you need help breaking through a weight-loss plateau
***Should I/Can I still do my workout during the Cleanse?
Depends on the individual
You will have less energy, so consider doing it during your 'recovery' week
Don't do it in the middle of P90X or INSANITY
***Can I do a 1-day or 2-day Cleanse?
Yes, some people see results in 1 or 2 days!
It is NOT recommended doing the Cleanse for longer than 3 days!
***Should I/Can I take other Beachbody supplements during the Cleanse?
Not the Beachbody Results and Recovery drink, it has too much sugar
All other Beachbody supplements are fine but not necessary 

                           YES, I am ready to order MY SHAKEOLOGY

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Meet Us!!! The No Excuse Fitness Family

Meet Us !!!!!!

We are The No Excuse Fitness Family

I am a mother of four, yes I said four, children that happen to be all girls !!! I live an extremely busy life as I am involved in so many activities of my own but also very involved in the lives of my children. However, in the middle of running this crazy busy life I buckled down and was able to lose 60 pounds!!! I feel so much better now and have turned over not just my life to a more healthier and happier lifestyle but I changed my whole families life around as well. And now have begun to do the same for anyone who would like to hear any of my advice!!!

On a personal basis my love for life is traveling. I spend as many days as I can exploring new areas around the country and hope to explore more around the world as I go. I am absolutely in love with the different atmospheres and cultures I find and meeting new people along the way. Being a Beachbody Coach has given me more of this opportunity than I ever could have imagined and for that I am extremely grateful.

When I began my weight loss journey I was at 190 pounds? Scared to death to hit the 200 mark and I knew something had to change. In the past I had never really follow a diet before and my weight gain seemed to just increase with every single child I had. After my last baby I knew I would not have any more and there were NO MORE EXCUSES left for me not to start this journey. So I dug my feet in very quietly at first and went for it.

The unfortunate thing is I choose a very unhealthy way at first and figured I would cut my calories dramatically and it would happen! And it did, however in the mean time I did an unbelievable amount of damage to my health. My thinking at the time was I really did not care about my health, I just wanted to be thin! Well, this ended up with surgery and gaining ALL the weight back.... I felt completely defeated and lost !!!!!!

This was just the eye opening I needed though! From here on out I would do it the right way! The healthy way! So I did research and studied and learned ... and now I am here to share what I have learned on this journey. 

When I started on this path I was at the lowest time in my life! I had a new sick baby at home who was not only keeping us up all the time but was in pain and just watching was breaking our hearts as we waited for answers. I was working for a job I disliked for a company who cared less about its employees. I was exhausted from running to all of my children's activities all the time. I had no idea how I was going to find the time to exercise or make the change ... but the desire to do so was burning so hot inside!!!

In my first year I completed three challenge groups and lost 50 pounds with the help of my coach and drinking Shakeology. Then I decided that I wanted to start toning up and lost another 10 with Focus T25 and drinking Shakeology. 

In the mean time, I have one child, my oldest who is a softball player and drinks Shakeology as her healthiest meal of the day she consumes as a teenager! I also have a competition cheerleader who yes drinks Shakeology to help with the demands the cheerleading puts on her body and her schedule. I have a five year old just about to start finding her passion in life and a two year old that has been sick since birth and has her own GI Specialist team that has reviewed Shakeology and agrees with her taking it. Now after taking it for some time now she has made HUGE improvements in her health as we continue our journey for a more normal healthy life for her. 

Together, we have made very dramatic changes in our lives and are so excited to share our story and continue or journey with you.