21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme

21 Day Fix (Original Version) 

Lose up to 15 pounds in 21 days! With 21 Day Fix, simple fitness and simple eating means fast results. Easy-to-follow portion control and 30-minute workouts take the guesswork out of losing weight.

21 Day Fix Extreme
IS HERE !!!!!!

Day 1 of 21 !!!

I knew all I needed was a quick fix to feel like myself again!!!  PLYO Fix that is, calm down! 

Day 1/21 workout completed and now the hard part, nutrition! But I meal planned last night and am set to go so today will be a success! 

Who else is digging that leg workout?

Day 2 of 21 Upper Fix Extreme DONE!!! That wasn't so bad except the whole having to get out of bed so early, oh and those triceps lifts were killer!!! Sore but loving it, I had been missing this feeling! 

Day 3 of 21 Day Fix Extreme! After staying up late working on my dreams getting up was a challenge but I knew I had to because I am packed tonight with stuff to do. Good thing I didn't know it was Pilates Fix before I started because I have never been a Pilates or Yoga girl, but Autumn have me a run for my money adding those resistance bands. Feeling the burn and loving it!!! 

Last night in our team meeting we got to talking about how setting that pattern to waking up early is getting easier on all of us! I never thought I would be able to get into that routine but dang proud I have!!! More family one on one time with my girls ❤️  Then we talked about how awesome super women we have been feeling getting everything we have been getting done well DONE! So ironic how those Super Man's were whipping my butt this morning with those bands but I did it! And now that I have my Super Woman clothes (aka sexy dress) on for the day I am ready to change some lives!!! 

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