Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Are You Lacking Motivation ???

Are You Lacking Motivation?

If motivation is your hang-up, change your exercise routine every 14 days. A University of Florida study discovered that people who modified their workouts twice a month were more likely than to stick to their plans compared to those who changed their regimens whenever they wanted to. Boredom didn’t appear to be a factor; it seems people simply enjoyed the variety more.


You might start working out in order to "look better" or "lose weight." But if this is your only ultimate goal then the long term success will most likely fail. Jumping into a new routine without first making a commitment to your health is a big mistake.

If you're starting a workout plan or new diet just to "look good," it's not going to last long. Your will power is going to eventually crumble if it's latching on to something as artificial and temporary. When your goal takes a deeper meaningful meaning, such as your health for yourself and your family, success will follow.

Instead, make a commitment to your long term HEALTH. Have a plan for when things get tough (which they will, if you're new to this) and make sure you have a good support system in place like the private Facebook group we run for our Challenge Groups!!! We also have FREE online support groups to help carry you through times of weakness.

We know you can do this!!!!!!!!

When I first started working out finding the motivation was super HARD. I knew I wanted this in my mind and woke up ready to go each and every morning but then life issues kept poping up again and again and distracting me. My old bad habits like eating lunch out with my friends kept haunting me. And just the confusion of where to start over whelmed me. 

Working out wasn't my idea of fun at the beginning, not a bit. But I knew it had to be done for me to hit those goals. What I had to work on was changing my mindset. Just as we think of eating dinner, or sleeping or even showing is a necessity in life. I started with telling myself that for me to be able to shower for the evening to get to bed, that I had to complete my workout and to earn that shower! This worked very well for me. I used that shower as a reward and after a while my body started to crave these workouts and they became much more enjoyable and fun because by then I was in accountability groups myself and was surrounding myself with people who related to me and understood what I was going through. As I continued my body was getting stronger, and I had more and more energy for workouts. 

What I did was take baby steps to hit my goals. I started small with having no more snacks or bad snacks within my home. If we wanted a snack it had to be fruit or something more healthier than just a bag of chips and dip. Snacking usually comes from being bored anyways, you are not truly hungry, most times you are bored. When I noticed I was bored I would do stretching type exercises to help pass the time and I made it a purpose to be more productive during these times. Such as if I found myself bored and wanting to snack, then I would go clean the kitchen, or porch, just something to keep me going and accomplishing things that would have to be done anyways at some point. After I felt like those baby steps were just habit then I would change another step along the way, such as not eating out lunch with my lady friends except once a week. This helped save money and helped me hit more goals. 

I have honestly done these same baby steps the whole way through my journey just fine tuning little things the whole way and making this a lifelong habit for me and it has influenced my family with these choices without them even knowing to be healthier for themselves in their lives. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Love Hate Relationship

It's a love hate relationship! Hate getting up at 5 am for workouts... Love this amazing feeling I have all day from doing it!


Thursday, June 11, 2015

This Was Not Always Me

This Was Not Always Me

We have grown like crazy over here and the last few days talking to challengers and coaches sometimes I have to remember where I started, where I came from... Back to the Basics!!!!

See that fool, me, jumping around vvvvvvv down there? Exactly! That was not always me! For real, when I started this journey I was 200 lbs! My workout consisted of putting my newborn sick baby in a $3 yard sale found stroller and walking as fast as I could! Which wasn't very fast and I hoped dogs would come kiss my tush in the neighborhoods I had to do this in, just saying! 

But what I am saying is that once you hit that day when you wake up and are done with this up and down you have been living and today is the first day of change and you set your sights on that goal you see in your head, you are unstoppable!!! Believe me! This wasn't an overnight easy journey, I cried, had bad days, failed, and had set backs! But I always stood back up and went for it again! Somedays you have to push through to hit those goals! Today was one of those days for me. 

Seriously, I have been there! I couldn't do it without my accountability groups and partners! I couldn't do it without you! This system is proven success, not for just me but rounds and rounds of challengers. Set your mind to it and we can do this together and I will be here for you each step of the way and why? Cause I have been there!!! 

If you or someone you know are interested in an accountability group, send me a message or even email me at Gabrielle.birnie@gmail.com and let's talk about that vision you are eyeing! It can be done once you mute those negative voices!