Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Little Black Dress Season!!!

This is like really scary but do you all realize it's only 15 weeks until 2016??? 15 weeks and a new year is upon us!!! New goals, new resolutions, a possibility at a clean slate for our new you!!! 

But wait!!! Who wants to roll into "little black dress" season in an oversized brown paper sack??? Not me!!!! Which means NOW is the time to kick it up a notch so I can be just down right stunning in my little black dress ringing in a New Year! A New Me!!!!

So I am kicking off a Little Black Dress Accountability Group where we will be focusing on all those "right" areas!!! And if you thought we are just sitting around doing squats, you're on the wrong track!!  The right areas as in fitness and nutrition!!! Do you realize if you lose 1 pound a week between now and the end of the year that's a whole 15 pounds!!! 2 pounds a week is 30 pounds gone!!! Incredible right!!!

Well we don't have much time so I need to start this group like ASAP or we won't be fitting in those dresses, we will be squeezing into them... So I am only taking a handful of people who are down right serious about changing themselves and their health before the end of the year! Like I said, we are starting right away so hit me up NOW to get into my online group where we will accomplish all these goals and then some! Let 2016 be your best year yet!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Reese's Shakeology Bites

You will need: To make 8 Peanut Butter Cups
4 tablespoons of coconut oil
8 tablespoons of Chocolate Shakeology
4 tablespoons of all natural peanut butter

Take 2 tablespoons of the coconut oil and place in microwave for 30 seconds or until liquidfied.
Stir in 4 tablespoons of the Chocolate Shakeology
Divide evenly between the 8 spots in mini muffin tin pan
Place in freezer for 5 minutes
Take out and place 1 teaspoon of peanut butter on each chocolate disk, spread evenly
Melt remaining coconut oil and stir in remaining Chocolate Shakeology
Pour on top of peanut butter layer
Freeze for at least 30 minutes, ENJOY !!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Alrighty, here we go again with What’s in it Wednesday!!! Remember last week we talked about those Adaptogen Herbs as a group making our bodies basically feel like little super power people? Well this week I was going to start breaking down that group of Adaptogen Herbs as we know that’s a group of herbs, but what specifically right?

SOOOOO :)   In my words and from my own experience! Before I started drinking Shakeology I would faithfully every year around Spring Break time frame would get a cold and eventually every year this cold turned into pneumonia. This usually left me out of work for at least a week trying to recover and of course the medical bills piling up again from the x-rays, doctor appointments, and medicine I would have to pay. Easily each and every year this would cost me about $1000 a year going through this. Not to mention just quality time lost with my family or lack of productivity out of myself.

However, since drinking Shakeology, I have not had one round of pneumonia. Actually, I haven’t even been really sick besides I believe a runny nose once. My family, my children also do not get sick. I from my own personal experience totally contribute this to drinking Shakeology faithfully every day for this change in my own body. Now it seems I may have learned one of the key ingredients in helping me to change this unfortunate expensive pattern to a much more desirable one. To MY new way of life!!!! A happy and healthy one!!!!

Here is what I learned. One of them is the Astragalus. This is basically a root within those herbs and is a large genus of about 3,000 species of herbs and small shrubs, belonging to the legume family Fabaceae and the subfamily Faboideae. The dried root is used medicinally. Astragalus roots are sold as long pieces, which have a tough, fibrous skin with a lighter interior. Some products are produced by frying the roots with honey, although the untreated root itself has a sweet, licorice-like taste.

The Astragalus has a history of use as a herbal medicine used in systems of traditional Chinese medicine and Persian medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine it has been used to reinforce qi and strengthen the superficial resistance, and promote the discharge of pus and the growth of new tissue. It is used in China principally as a tonic and for treatment of diabetes and nephritis. It is an important component of Fu-Zheng therapy in China, where the goal is to restore immune system function. There is extensive Chinese literature on the drug.

Biotechnology firms are working on deriving a telomerase activator from Astragalus. The chemical constituent cycloastragenol (also called TAT2) is being studied to help combat HIV, as well as infections associated with chronic diseases or aging. There is some preliminary evidence to suggest that astragalus, either alone or in combination with other herbs, may have potential benefits for the immune system, heart, and liver, and as an adjunctive therapy for cancer. The most common use of astragalus root in herbal medicine in the US is as an immunostimulant to counteract the immune suppression associated with cancer therapy.

Research of the herb is often focused on the function of cycloastragenol in the aging process of immune cells, and its effects on the cell’s response to viral infections. It appears to increase the production of telomerase, an enzyme that mediates the replacement of short bits of DNA known as telomeres, which play a key role in cell replication, including in cancer processes.

Other uses include the Astragalus often is recommended for the prevention of the common cold.
Extracts of Astragalus are marketed as life-prolonging extracts for human use. A proprietary extract of the dried root has been associated with a significant age-reversal effect in the immune system, in that it led to declines in the percentage of senescent cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells after six to twelve months of use.

So, pretty sure I will never quit drinking Shakeology! Shakeology is WAY more than just some protein shake or weight loss shake out there on the market!!! It more than pays for itself in the long run!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Adaptogen Herbs

Alrighty!!! Since so many people want to label Shakeology as a “protein shake” and I truly in my heart do not see it as that… I wanted to start a new tradition here on this page called WHAT”S IN IT WEDNESDAY!!!! Shakeology is truly a complete meal replacement shake filled of SUPERFOODS. Yes, it has protein…. but it’s that PLUS everything else that makes it so remarkable so I am hoping we can all learn together.
One thing Shakeology has is Adaptogen Herbs!!! Scientifically…. the astragalus, ashwagandha, cordyceps, ginko leaf, tulsi (holy basil leaf), macra root, maitake mushroom, reishi mushroom and schisandra!!! I am also going to go into these ingredients more as well on Wednesdays in the future as we go, but for today I want to share with you the basic idea of these adaptogen herbs.
Adaptogen Herbs are one of the most important groups of herbs to take in the 21st century. Adaptogens not only increase the resistance to the adverse effects of long-term stress yet the majority are also a tonic, immune-stimulating and increase general sense of well-being.
Adaptogenic herbs may be used as the treatment or as part of the treatment for the following: Stress, exposure to stressors such as high altitude, intensive training etc, chronic illness, debility, convalescence, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and to increase physical and mental performance
Adaptogen Herbs are known to increase physical and mental stamina and performance, protect against the effects of radiation, reduce the side effects of chemotherapeutic drugs, reduce the incidence of infection, increase resistance to chemical carcinogens.
Because of their effects on the body's capacity to deal with stress, coupled with their tonic activity, these herbs can be used in a huge number of conditions and situations. The particular adaptogens we use in each formulation will depend largely on the other actions attributed to each of these herbs as well as their energetics.
So now that the science behind these herbs has now been discussed…. in my everyday language….. It is these same Adaptogen Herbs working together along side all the other ingredients put into Shakeology making my body run the smoothest as possible. I like to think of this particular group of herbs as my Superwoman Herbs because it is this group that increases my emotional, physical, and mental performance as I am out trying to conquer this thing I call LIFE !!!! It is this group of herbs, that keeps me together, helps my anxiety and gives me my super powers to kick some daily butt!!!!!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Don't Quit

Up early to get an early morning run in! I still absolutely love Fridays where I can sneak away to the gym and get lost within myself now! 5K down so now time to treat myself ❤️ Another Friday tradition! 

I love waking up everyday but everyone else in the office really celebrates Friday's so I join in with the fun! I just make sure to burn it off beforehand!!! 

Hope you all have a perky Friday!!! And whatever you do, don't quit on your goals! If you are not working towards something in life, then your not getting anywhere, and you will lose yourself in life. 

Don't quit! Find yourself with your happy place! #fitnessismine #notjusttolookgood #itfeelssogoodtoo

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Fit Club Friends

Fit Club was another awesome one!!!! Sorry I didn't get this posted earlier but right after I ran off to the beach for some errands and family time. Though as the day went on though I was reminded several times how much these relationships mean to me. 

I see people come and go from my life constantly and from the lives of my friends and yet these healthy relationships based on pure friendship and love sustain. We have watch each other and ourselves deal with deaths, losses, gains, troubles within our families, troubles and victories within our businesses. It's amazing how instantly we are right their having each other's backs. Even more amazing that a workout, a dumb selfish workout, can bring a team together.... And afterwards a sense of relief and peace of our problems. 

With them I know I can handle it all. Without them I would be lost. 

WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER!!!! #weareone #wethinkalike #itsmorethanateam #weareafamily #thereisnoIinTEAM #teamwork #fitclub

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Awesome things about Fit Club

Oh the awesome things about Fit Club...

✅ Meeting more coaches
✅ Meeting new friends
✅ Working out with others
✅ Trying out different programs
✅ Healthy socialization
✅ Brainstorming
✅ Feeling of my community 
✅✅✅ IT IS FREE !!!

I am so excited week after week not only to workout virtually with my challengers but to be able to workout with my local friends within my community too!!! This business rocks with the amount of support you get! It rocks with the type of people you meet! And it rocks with my personal life allowing me to be the very best me there is!!! #thankyoubeachbody #ilovecoaching #fitclub #noexcusefitnessfamily

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Fit Club

What's up!!! The best morning at Fit Club yet!!! Check out our crew!!! Some say living this lifestyle is just too hard and I NOW would argue that (in the past I would have agreed). Now that I have changed my life I am surrounded everyday by FRIENDS who continue to push me to be a better me, to be the person I strive to be and for that I am thankful. 

When I started as a Beachbody Coach I was only one coach, had very few friends living this lifestyle and countless amounts of people who thought I was just downright crazy. I heard it all and thought it all from friends who unfriended me on Facebook to people who just didn't understand how someone who was still overweight be a good coach and yet here I am... Still coaching and yes somewhere we must be doing something right because we continue to grow and grow. The No Excuse Fitness Family continues to grow more than I ever imagined and more and more people who are the coolest people I have ever met keep joining in this healthy lifestyle with me! 

Looking back to the old me, 70 lbs heavier, exhausted from babies, beaten up by life's dilemmas and living in skin I couldn't stand.... I am so happy I ignored the doubt within myself, that I let certain friends fade, that I used those words of others as motivation because now I can truly live and love the life I am living!!! 

It's happening all around you all! It truly is and if your ready to join in on the go either in our groups or on our team reach out! You can do this too! I know for me I am all about doing it and making it fun!!! And seriously would love to enjoy this life with you!!! #livingthelife #abetterme #makingwaves #fitclub #noexcuses #noregrets

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Snickers ShakeO!!!

I was chatting with my No Excuse Fitness Family the other night, you know those ones keeping me in check, and we were talking about late night treats! I of course asked for Snickers, lol.... But I need the healthy kind. Check this glass of YUM out!!!

Come on.... Who else is a Snickers lover out there? What's your favorite type of treat?

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Are You Lacking Motivation ???

Are You Lacking Motivation?

If motivation is your hang-up, change your exercise routine every 14 days. A University of Florida study discovered that people who modified their workouts twice a month were more likely than to stick to their plans compared to those who changed their regimens whenever they wanted to. Boredom didn’t appear to be a factor; it seems people simply enjoyed the variety more.


You might start working out in order to "look better" or "lose weight." But if this is your only ultimate goal then the long term success will most likely fail. Jumping into a new routine without first making a commitment to your health is a big mistake.

If you're starting a workout plan or new diet just to "look good," it's not going to last long. Your will power is going to eventually crumble if it's latching on to something as artificial and temporary. When your goal takes a deeper meaningful meaning, such as your health for yourself and your family, success will follow.

Instead, make a commitment to your long term HEALTH. Have a plan for when things get tough (which they will, if you're new to this) and make sure you have a good support system in place like the private Facebook group we run for our Challenge Groups!!! We also have FREE online support groups to help carry you through times of weakness.

We know you can do this!!!!!!!!

When I first started working out finding the motivation was super HARD. I knew I wanted this in my mind and woke up ready to go each and every morning but then life issues kept poping up again and again and distracting me. My old bad habits like eating lunch out with my friends kept haunting me. And just the confusion of where to start over whelmed me. 

Working out wasn't my idea of fun at the beginning, not a bit. But I knew it had to be done for me to hit those goals. What I had to work on was changing my mindset. Just as we think of eating dinner, or sleeping or even showing is a necessity in life. I started with telling myself that for me to be able to shower for the evening to get to bed, that I had to complete my workout and to earn that shower! This worked very well for me. I used that shower as a reward and after a while my body started to crave these workouts and they became much more enjoyable and fun because by then I was in accountability groups myself and was surrounding myself with people who related to me and understood what I was going through. As I continued my body was getting stronger, and I had more and more energy for workouts. 

What I did was take baby steps to hit my goals. I started small with having no more snacks or bad snacks within my home. If we wanted a snack it had to be fruit or something more healthier than just a bag of chips and dip. Snacking usually comes from being bored anyways, you are not truly hungry, most times you are bored. When I noticed I was bored I would do stretching type exercises to help pass the time and I made it a purpose to be more productive during these times. Such as if I found myself bored and wanting to snack, then I would go clean the kitchen, or porch, just something to keep me going and accomplishing things that would have to be done anyways at some point. After I felt like those baby steps were just habit then I would change another step along the way, such as not eating out lunch with my lady friends except once a week. This helped save money and helped me hit more goals. 

I have honestly done these same baby steps the whole way through my journey just fine tuning little things the whole way and making this a lifelong habit for me and it has influenced my family with these choices without them even knowing to be healthier for themselves in their lives. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Love Hate Relationship

It's a love hate relationship! Hate getting up at 5 am for workouts... Love this amazing feeling I have all day from doing it!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

This Was Not Always Me

This Was Not Always Me

We have grown like crazy over here and the last few days talking to challengers and coaches sometimes I have to remember where I started, where I came from... Back to the Basics!!!!

See that fool, me, jumping around vvvvvvv down there? Exactly! That was not always me! For real, when I started this journey I was 200 lbs! My workout consisted of putting my newborn sick baby in a $3 yard sale found stroller and walking as fast as I could! Which wasn't very fast and I hoped dogs would come kiss my tush in the neighborhoods I had to do this in, just saying! 

But what I am saying is that once you hit that day when you wake up and are done with this up and down you have been living and today is the first day of change and you set your sights on that goal you see in your head, you are unstoppable!!! Believe me! This wasn't an overnight easy journey, I cried, had bad days, failed, and had set backs! But I always stood back up and went for it again! Somedays you have to push through to hit those goals! Today was one of those days for me. 

Seriously, I have been there! I couldn't do it without my accountability groups and partners! I couldn't do it without you! This system is proven success, not for just me but rounds and rounds of challengers. Set your mind to it and we can do this together and I will be here for you each step of the way and why? Cause I have been there!!! 

If you or someone you know are interested in an accountability group, send me a message or even email me at and let's talk about that vision you are eyeing! It can be done once you mute those negative voices!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tabata Power Max 30

Tabata Power Max 30 today!!! Feeling whooped on and awesome at the same time! I am in 💙 again!!! Why did I wait so long to start this one? I will tell you... I was scared and had my doubts and now here I am enjoying this so much. Talking with a dear friend of mine about all the excuses we tell ourselves and our off starting something and then thinking where we could be if we just had started or took the opportunity when it first presented itself.... Can you imagine where we would be? Get comfortable with being uncomfortable and we can all surprise ourselves. #getstartednow #hushtheexcuses #betterlatethannever #letsgetstartedtogether #wecandoit #evenwhenwethinkwecant #noexcuses

Thursday, May 14, 2015



1 head cauliflower chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 diced onion
2 carrots
2 celery stalks
4 cups chicken stock
1 cup coconut milk
1 1/4 tsp ground cummin
1 tsp ground turmeric
1/2 tsp ground coriander
fresh dill to taste
4 slices of bacon
Ground pepper to taste

In large saucepan mix and cook garlic, onion, carrots, and celery. Stir until tender. Stir in cauliflower and cook another 5 mins. Add in chicken stock, cummin, turmeric, coriander and coconut milk and stir together. Bring to boil and then reduce and simmer for about 15 mins or until veges are tender. Season to taste and garnish with bacon and dill.

Oatmeal Cupcakes

Oatmeal Cupcakes

5 cups rolled oats
2 1/2 cups of ripe mashed banana
5 tbsp pure maple syrup
2/3 cup chocolate mini chips
1 tbsp coconut oil or vegetable oil
2 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
*** Feel free to do add ins such as: coconut flakes, cinnamon, walnuts, raisins....

Preheat oven to 380 degrees. Combine all ingredients in bowl and stir well. Poor into cupcakes liners and bake for 20 minutes. You may also broil for 1 to 2 minutes, but optional. 

Pilates Fix

Needed this Pilates stretch with my babies so much 💙💙💙 #settheexample #qualitytime #lovethem #healthylife #blessed #noexcusefitnessfamily 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Morning workout

Another one in the books plus a bit extra! Holiday is over, it's time to get back on track! #21dfx #accountability #countdowntosummit

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

"I just put on the smallest sized pair of jeans I own!! I haven't fit into these in 3 years!! Countdown to shopping!!" Said a challenger Kylie) in our current group..... heart emoticon So proud of you girlie!!!
What are you all waiting on! Accountability group starting again and it's right around the corner. Hit me up if you would like to try and be sexy by summer!

Fresh Green Beans

Believe it or not I made my own fresh green beans for the first time! Just trimmed them and then steamed them. After steamed I saluted them in a skillet just for a few minutes with coconut oil, pepper and fresh squeezed lemon. #dontknockittillyoutryit #healthiereveryday #livingthelifestyle 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Opportunity Knocking

🎉 Opportunity Knocking 🎉

I am looking for a couple PARTNERS to help run a fitness challenge group WITH me. Does not matter where you live and must be willing to use a program along with us with the chance to earn your money back!!! Comment below if you know someone who would be a great fit !!! 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Jalapeno Cheddar Corn Bread

Jalapeno Cheddar Corn Bread

Olive oil cooking spray
1 cup white whole wheat flour
1 cup fine-ground whole grain yellow cornmeal
3/4 cup organic evaporated cane juice
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp sea salt ( I always skip salt as I never use any)
1 egg
3/4 cup 1% milk
1 cup diced jalapeno chile peppers
1/2 cup fresh corn kernels thawed
1/4 cup shredded reduced fat cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray break pan with cooing spray. In large bowl mix flour, cornmeal, cane juice, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In a medium bowl mix milk and egg and then pour into the flour mix and mix all together. Add in jalapenos, corn and cheese. Batter should be a bit lumpy. Pour into bread pan and sprinkle with a little cheddar cheese. Bake until lightly brown and toothpick comes out clean. This will probably cook about 50 minutes. Cool for 5 minutes and serve.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Creamy Shrimp Rigatoni

Creamy Shrimp Rigatoni

8 oz whole-wheat rigatoni pasta
1 tssp olive oil
2 to 3 garlic gloves
1/4 tsp dried thyme
1/4 tsp dried oregano
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
3 tbsp white whole-wheat flour
1 2/3 cups of 2% milk
3 tbsp grated Parmesan Cheese
1/4 tsp black pepper
Olive oil cooking spray
1 lb peeled shrimp
15 oz of cannellini beans, fresh or canned and drained
10 sun dried tomato halves packed in olive oil, drained
3 tbsp fresh basil leaves

Cook pasta according to package

In saucepan, medium heat, heat up oil, garlic, thyme, oregano, and pepper flakes and garlic until all are soft. Then add flour and stir until moist and lightly brown. Then add half of the milk and whisk until smooth and then add other half and bring to simmer, then cover and let simmer, reduce heat to low. Whisk in pepper to taste and cheese. Cover to keep warm.

In large skillet, cook shrimp and add pepper for taste. After these are cooked add them to a large bowl and add in the beans and tomatoes. Then add the cooked pasta and sauce. Stir all of it, add basil to top and serve. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Balsamic Veggie Salmon

1 salmon filet
1 cup chopped mushrooms
1 cup halved grape tomatoes
1 cup halved sunburst yellow tomatoes
1 cup julienned red bell pepper
1 cup julienned zucchini
3 tablespoons fresh basil leaves roughly chopped
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
Coconut or olive oil spray
Sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven broiler. Line a baking sheet with foil and spray lightly with oil spray. Rinse salmon and lay on foil skin side down if it has skin. Season with sea salt and fresh ground black pepper. Scatter vegetables over the top of the fish. Sprinkle basil over top of veggies and season veggies with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Drizzle balsamic vinegar over everything. Place in over under broiler about 6 inches from heat source. Broil for about 12 minutes or until fish is done and flakes away with a fork.
Serving size is 5 oz of fish with 1 cup of mixed vegetables.
** Fix Container Guide: 1 red, 1 green *

Monday, March 23, 2015

Protein Bites

1 cup peanut butter (all natural preferred)
2 cup oats
1/2 cup honey (all natural preferred)

Mix all together, frigerate for 30 mins, then roll into balls!!! Store in the fridge 

Somedays are Tough

I have to give myself a pat on the back today! After filling my body of crap this weekend and knowing the kids are on spring break and the only reason I had to get up was for this workout..... 

But I did it!!! #21dfx

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Ground Turkey and Spinach Lasagna

Ground Turkey and Spinach Lasagna

1 white onion                                               2   28 oz cans unsoalted whole tomatoes
1 large carrot                                              1 tbsp raw honey
1 large stalk celery                                     1 tsp ground black pepper
4 garlic cloves                                             1   9 oz package frozen chopped spinach
1/2 tsp dried oregano                                 1 lb ground turkey breast  
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar                             15 oz reduced fat ricotta cheese (2 cups)
1/3 cup chopped fresh basil leaves           12 whole wheat no boil lasagna noodles
4 oz reduced fat grated Italian four-cheese blend

In a large saucepan on medium-high heat, Add 1 tbsp olive oil, onion, carrot, and celery. Stir often until turning a light brown and then add garlic and oregano and vinegar and bring to boil. Add tomatoes and break these up while cooking. Bring to boil again and then let it simmer for about an hour stirring every 15 mins at least. Towards the end add honey and pepper.

In a blender now blend sauce to a lightly chunky puree. You can make sauce up to 2 days beforehand and cover and refrigerate. 

In a drainer place spinach and drain then cook in large skillet, add turkey and pepper till turkey is no longer pink. 

In a whole separate bowl add ricotta cheese with some basil and black pepper. 

When ready to cook reheat marinara sauce until steaming hot. Spread 3/4 cup sauce inside a 9 x 13 baking dish. Top with 4 noodles, half ricotta cheese and 1 cup sauce. Repeat this once more. Top with remaining noodles, sauce and cheese blend. Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake until cheese is melted and sauce is bubbling. Rest for 15 minutes before serving. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Ouch my body !!!

Well this week has been an incredible week .... I failed in the area of being prepared for sure! I have celebrated with my girls two nights this week after some BIG wins, I have had some late practices and have not had any free time for meal planning which means I have treated my body horribly!!! And I am feeling it! This is me: tired, on my way to work, no makeup, hair not done, in comfy clothes... And even though I am usually a ball of energy.... Today I would love to go back to bed and sleep today away.

However, even though I feel this way now! Today has been a huge one for me already with some incredible news! Dreams coming true kind of news!!! And tonight I get to be one on one with my love as I spoil him some 😍 And also get to enjoy a night out on the town tonight! So yes I may be feeling the punishments from my actions and treating my body so bad. This has been wonderful for my mind and soul but awful for my body! But tomorrow I am back on track!!! I have to many goals to hit to play these games. Today, I am thankful for the reminder of this lesson and thankful to be this busy! This just means there are so many possibilities, opportunities and dreams happening in my life and in the lives around me.

Friday, February 13, 2015

This mornings workout

I had to push it, push it, push it this morning to prepare for ladies night tonight!!! 4 miles down and even half way dressed already for tonight and nails done for a sweet date tomorrow 😍. Super motivated, determined, and focused. Yes, the 8 lbs lost this week is helping with all those factors and is surely going to help with my willpower tomorrow. I am in love with this program!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 3 of 21 Day Fix Extreme

Day 3 of 21 Day Fix Extreme! After staying up late working on my dreams getting up was a challenge but I knew I had to because I am packed tonight with stuff to do. Good thing I didn't know it was Pilates Fix before I started because I have never been a Pilates or Yoga girl, but Autumn have me a run for my money adding those resistance bands. Feeling the burn and loving it!!! 

Last night in our team meeting we got to talking about how setting that pattern to waking up early is getting easier on all of us! I never thought I would be able to get into that routine but dang proud I have!!! More family one on one time with my girls ❤️  Then we talked about how awesome super women we have been feeling getting everything we have been getting done well DONE! So ironic how those Super Man's were whipping my butt this morning with those bands but I did it! And now that I have my Super Woman clothes (aka sexy dress) on for the day I am ready to change some lives!!! 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Challenge Groups Starting

A couple of years ago I was the lowest in life I have ever been. Drowning in debt, a sick baby in and out of the hospital, and dealing with a never ending stress of an unnecessary court case that was affecting a ton of different areas of my life. I was gaining weight by the day and totally losing myself in the day to day struggles of life.

Shakeology, and Beachbody, has changed my life in so so so many ways!!! I am starting to see it as so much more, kind of like a good luck shake, because it seems whoever drinks it, things just start happening and falling in place. 

When I started drinking Shakeology of course it was for weight loss and it did certainly help me drop that 70 pounds!!! However, starting was not an easy decision for me because at that time I simply could not afford it. When I started I had a sick baby piling up the medical bills and I was going through this lame court case that was a huge waste of money and then just life expenses with four kids! Who had the money??? Now though looking back, I don’t regret it for a second talking myself into it. I NEEDED to lose the weight, right? So I made the sacrifices.

Once I started to see all the benefits Shakeology was having on my body like having a balanced nutrition, less anxiety, less tears, tons more ENERGY and feeling better than ever, the weight loss wasn’t even as important anymore and was more like an extra bonus!

Well I knew I would never give up my Shakeology so I signed up to be a coach just for the discounts! I had a few friends that had been interested so they ordered with me and instead of just getting a discount, I realized my Shakeology was paid for! Extra bonus!!! And yet, I was having so much fun helping them.

So I decided to REALLY start coaching!!! From then everything has just happened from better jobs, promotions at work, paying off bills, baby getting better, happier family, meeting the most awesome people and friends in the world, to growing a large and successful team!!! I can go on and on……

The crazy part….  It was only a darn shake to drink for weight loss!!! How did I get here??? Most days I am not so sure how but I know everyday I am extremely grateful for it. I never thought in a million years this would be me.

Now I am living and loving life on my way in my journey and able to help others with their goals. I am a stronger person physically and mentally than ever. On my way to being financially free just by reaching out and helping others do the same by sharing my excitement and love for Shakeology and Beachbody. 

*****  In the back of my mind when someone new comes along and asks for help in weight loss, I smile big time…. because I secretly know it is SO MUCH MORE !!!!

Day 2 of 21 of 21 Day Fix Extreme

Day 2 of 21 Upper Fix Extreme DONE!!! That wasn't so bad except the whole having to get out of bed so early, oh and those triceps lifts were killer!!! Sore but loving it, I had been missing this feeling! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Pickle Juice


Who Knew???

Post-Workout Drink:
Forget coconut water. Athletes swear by pickle juice's scientifically proven benefits to exercise recovery. In one 2010 study, pickle juice halted post-workout muscle cramps in 85 seconds. That, plus its electrolyte-restoring powers has even yielded Pickle Juice Sport - a dill-flavored sports drink. But really, most athletes stick to good old Vlasic!

PMS Remedy:
For those same reasons, pickle juice is widely used as a cure for menstrual cramps. It may also prevent you from eating four bags of potato chips in one day. Not that we ever did that. That was a friend.

Potato Pick-Me-Up:
Add a heavy splash of pickle juice to a pot of simple boiled potatoes for a fantastic side dish. The flavors absorb so perfectly you won't want to add salt, butter, sour cream, or anything to these taters once you're done. Making potato salad? Skip the mayo, and toss with veggies and pickle juice for a much healthier (and more flavorful) version.

Pickleback Shot:
Odds are you've seen this cocktail on a bar menu sometime in the last couple years (lore has it they were first sold out of a London food truck in 2011). Perhaps you scoffed or called it a fad, but the truth is bartenders claim this to be the perfect complement to whiskey, instantly soothing the taste buds and aftershock of a rough liquor. Order one, and you will order five. For bonus points, follow that up with a

Hangover Cure:
If you can stomach it on a hangover tummy, pickle juice is a known folk remedy that actually works. It replenishes your depleted sodium levels and helps to assist in rehydration. In many countries, people even take a shot of pickle juice before going out to help prevent dehydration in the first place.

Vinegar Replacement:
Pickle juice works in place of vinegar in salad dressing, soups, or virtually any recipe. It is essentially vinegar on steroids.

Heartburn Cure:
Along with its flavor-boosting benefits, pickle juice seems to have the same health effects as straight-up vinegar. Particularly effective as a heartburn soother, pickle juice may also help to avoid blood-sugar spikes if taken with a meal.

Bloody Mary Booster:
On the not-as-healthy-but-just-as-important side of the spectrum, pickle juice is absolutely dynamite in a Bloody Mary. When its hangover-killing benefits combine with a little hair of the dog, nothing could make your Sunday morning any greater.
Except cronuts

Cleaning Agent:
Food industry insiders have been using pickle juice to clear blackened copper pans for years. It also works well as a grill cleaner, making those charred, crusted-on bits much easier to scrape off.

Dill Pickle Bread:
Make this. Make it now.

Pickle Popsicles:
True, you can buy these on (actual, real thing), but you can also just pour some of this glorious nectar into pop molds, paper cups, or ice-cube trays and make your own savory summer snack.

Or maybe you just want some more pickles? Empty your vegetable drawer and throw some onions, carrots, peppers, whatever, into the jar of leftover pickle juice. Let them sit for a few days and BOOM: new pickles!

Meat Tenderizer & Marinade:
Pickle juice has amazing meat-tenderizing abilities and, as a marinade, will add a ton of flavor to your meats, without the extra cals in heavy sauces or marinades. It works exceptionally well on chicken - some claim a skinless breast soaked overnight in pickle juice will taste like fried chicken when cooked, and we say that is voodoo but we're okay with it. Try it on cuts of pork and beef, too.

Fish Poacher:
There is very little in this world that sounds more healthy-boring than poached fish. But, add your pickle juice to the poaching water and you will never look back.

Weed Killer:
The high vinegar and salt content of pickle juice has made it a longtime favorite with gardeners. Dumping it on dandelions, thistle, and virtually all common weeds that crop up around your home. Bonus, it's pet-friendly and you probably already have it in your fridge!

Recipe Add-On:
We lost track of all the things you can add pickle juice to, but some favorites include: BBQ sauce, hummus, chicken salad, mac 'n' cheese, gazpacho, deviled eggs, vinaigrette, borscht, beet salad, salsa, bean dip, and meatloaf.

Hiccup Stopper:
We've found little scientific evidence backing up this claim (and, frankly, we're glad the scientists are working on other things), but many, many people claim that the number-one cure for hiccups is a small glass of pickle juice. Given how well this stuff works on everything else in the world, we believe it.

Day 1/21 Extreme

I knew all I needed was a quick fix to feel like myself again!!!  PLYO Fix that is, calm down! 

Day 1/21 workout completed and now the hard part, nutrition! But I meal planned last night and am set to go so today will be a success! #21dayfixextreme #onmyway #accountabilitypartner #believeinyou #noexcuses

Who else is digging that leg workout?

Friday, January 9, 2015

Vegan Chicken Parmesan

Vegan Chicken Parmesan
2 liters heavily salted water
1 pkg Gardien breaded Chicken fillets 
2 cups bread crumbs
1 cup canola oil
1/2 cup of "Diya" (or fave vegan brand) mozzarella cheese
1 cup "Go Veggie" parmesan cheese
2 oz olive oil
2 cups tomato sauce
to taste kosher salt, black pepper
200g dried spaghetti noodles
4 sprigs fresh parsley


For the spaghetti, bring to the boil 2 liters of heavily salted water (same salt level as sea water). Follow cooking instructions on the box.
Add canola oil (at least 1/4" of oil) and preheat pan to a medium heat.
Pan fry the Bocca Chick fillets until golden brown. Once golden, spoon enough sauce to cover and top with the Diya mozzarella and 1/2 the Go Veggie parmesan. Keep the rest of the parmesan for the pasta.
Bake at 375°C until cheese is melted and lightly golden (about 5-10 mins). Once the spaghetti is cooked and drained, return to heat and add sauce, olive oil, salt and pepper.
Neatly arrange the noodles in the center of both plates, sprinkle with the remaining parmesan and chopped herbs. Top with the gardein™ chick´n parmesan and garnish with a sprig of herb.
Tip: do not rinse pasta under cold water, this rises off the starch and lowers the quality of the dish.