Tuesday, August 23, 2016

It's common sense ya'll !!!! The more water you drink the less room you have in there to fill up on calories. So it does aid in weight loss but it is also super good for you! A lot of times people think they’re hungry when in reality they’re just slightly dehydrated. If you’re staying hydrated, you’re less likely to mistake thirst for hunger.

How much water should you be drinking? It actually all depends on how much you weigh. Here is the simple math: Divide your weight in half, and that corresponds to the number of ounces of water per day you should be drinking. For example, a woman who weighs 135 pounds should be getting 67 ounces per day, or about eight glasses.

However, you also need to take into consideration your activity level and the temperature outside. If any of these are higher, then your water consumption should also be higher as well. If we’re losing water, you need to be replenishing it.

You shouldn’t wait until you feel thirsty to drink either. You can actually turn this into a habit by slowly adding the amount of water you drink now and adding a little bit more to that until you get to the right amount you should be consuming daily. Get ahead of the game, don't wait till you are thirsty to drink. Just like forming healthy eating habit this is a lifestyle shift or pre-meal ritual than a race to accomplish in a short amount of time.

Some ways I sneak it all in is: drinking a full glass of water every morning right after brushing my teeth. Drinking a full glass before every meal and snack. Drinking a full glass before bed. Drinking a bottle of workout during my workout for the day. Drinking a bottle of water each time a get in the car. Keeping a bootle of water on my desk as I work all day and sipping all day. It's super easy and as time goes on these tricks become habits into your daily routines.

If you’re not big on the taste of plain old water (hey, no judgment), summer is the perfect season to flavor it. Add fresh berries or slices of cucumber, lime, watermelon or grapefruit to a pitcher, and keep it on hand in the fridge.

Each month I also have a Water Challenge group too for 5 days!!! If you want in to put these habits into play.... just let me know!!! Would love to have to you <3

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Quinoa Black Bean Veggie Burgers

Quinoa Black Bean Veggie Burgers

1 cup quinoa, cooked
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
2 cups mushrooms
1 onion
1 handful kale leaves
2-4 cloves of garlic ), minced
1 Tbsp coconut oil
drizzle sesame oil
1 Tbsp tamari
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp cayenne pepper (omit or lessen)
sea salt and black pepper


1. Preheat oven to 350'.

2. Cook quinoa if you don't have any already cooked.

3. Toss mushrooms, kale, onion into food processor (or chop finely). After processing until finely chopped add black beans and process on a lower setting so beans stay fairly chunky.

4. Heat coconut oil in a pan and add tamari, veggie mixture, garlic, and spices. Drizzle sesame oil all over.

5. While it's cooking line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

6. In a large bowl add quinoa and cooked veggie mixture together. Form into patties.

7. Place patties on cooking sheet and cook in oven for 20-30 minutes (depending on your oven and how big you made your burgers).

Monday, June 27, 2016

Personal Development

OMG!!! If you do not do personal development you are missing out!!! Listen, 5 years ago I would have laughed if you told me I needed this but dang do I NEED this!!
Literally tonight I was reading a chapter about including your spouse in your goals and dreams which may surprise some but Joel and I don't always share the same ones ðŸ˜œðŸ˜³ðŸ˜œðŸ˜³
Tonight I read this and Joel and I were just about to watch a movie and I said "Babe, instead of a movie will you just read this one chapter and we will call it a night?"
This was my way of saying "Babe, we need to have a talk but my friend here is gonna do the talking for me!"
Whewwww! A lot was said, unsaid!!! Let's see what happens!!!
Do you have a hard time expressing your dreams to your spouse? Cause I know I do 


Day 1/21 Day Fix Extreme

First workout complete!!! Now for the hard part .....

Not putting crap into my mouth!

Even I am stepping way out of my comfort zone and attempting not to eat out this whole 3 weeks!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Today has been a rough morning. So rough that I only got half my workout in before calling it quits. Not giving up and it just means I gotta do it tonight and probably start over but at least it will get done. However, I did finish an awesome glass of superfoods and finally starting to feel the focus again!!!
So for everyone needing a super boost this loving Monday morning with me!!! Check this recipe out!!! ‪#‎superfoods‬ ‪#‎boostinacup‬ ‪#‎tackletheweek‬‪#‎happymonday‬ #noexcusefitnessfamily