Sunday, June 29, 2014


Check this new app out called FOODUCATE!!!! Yes it has a premium side to the cost of it but the FREE version is very useful as it is. It allows you to scan the barcode on a package of food and then it gives it a grade A-F, just like in school. It also tells you why it is given that grade. You can track your fitness and weight loss goals by logging what you eat and it even has food from resteraunts that you can add. I am off to see how this things really works!!!! #fooducate #fooddiary #trackmymeals #weightloss #caloriecounter #healthy #gabibirnie #healthyeating #fitmom #noexcusefitnessfamily 

Please share so people who can find this useful on their journeys can have this awesome tool! 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

When is the Best Time of the Day to Workout???

When is the Best Time of the Day to Workout???

I have been asked this question so many times and I believe it is a question that every beginner asks because we are all trying to get the best results possible. I have been asked so many times that I decided to do my own research and studies (lol, asking of my team). 

Truth is.......... Any time you workout is awesome !!! Don't I say this all the time? But honestly, from the research I have done there is no reliable evidence to suggest that more calories are burnt at any certain time over another in a day. 

The most important thing is to choose a time of the day that works for you and stick with it so that this new pattern of exercise becomes a habit and enjoyable. 

We all know there are night owls and early birds and there is not much we can do to become another and to me this is the most important factor when deciding when to workout. Your body clock influences body functions such as hormone levels, body temperature, blood pressure and heart rate which all play a factor in your body's readiness for exercise. So using your own body clock as the guide to decide when to hit the gym or press play seems like the best idea for me, and oh apparently all those scientists that studied this for real. 

 The one thing that gets in our way, or we tend to use it as an excuse, is our jobs. There is not much you can do about those either (unless you plan on joining the team and living your life by design!!!) so yes, you must plan around that as well. If your day is constantly changing and never constant I would suggest to exercise in the morning and get it in before life starts throwing you in all kinds of directions. 

If you do exercise in the morning one thing is for sure, you do need to stretch and get your blood flowing more than you would have done later in the day. 

If you are like me and suffer deeply from INSOMNIA then jumping out of bed first thing in the morning with a smile to workout is not what you picture as paradise so afternoon workouts would be suggested, or even the second you get home from work so it gives you a bit of time to start winding down for bed. Your body will need that sleep and you need to make it a stable pattern and getting your body in the habit of sleep.

So, the best time to workout is when you will be CONSISTENT with your workouts. This is all based off of your body clock, location, type of activities and your social settings while working out. Everyone is different and knowing yourself and your behaviors is the best guide. Just find a way to get it in, make it non-negotiable and get to it and do it at YOUR BEST TIME OF DAY !!!!

So let's get moving...... at your best time of day !!!!!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2014


Traveling is a Passion For Us

Thankfully we have had an opportunity to make an income as Beachbody Coaches allowing us more financial freedom to see more of the world, the quality time with our families and the security to take care of our family while living the life of our dreams. We want to be able to share some of our experiences with you!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Team in June 2014

So last night I was having to go through a storage area in my home to pull out some old paperwork from my past (you know that stuff you hide so you don't think about?). And I was already pretty heart broken because six months ago I made a choice not to go to Summit with my team!!! So as I sat there looking through this stuff gathering information I need to hopefully move on with some future plans I was really wishing I had a crystal ball!!! If six months ago I could have taken a look at where I am today I would think NO WAY!!!! Just a short six months ago I remember the excuses I used to verify that decision!!! I didn't know if I would be making enough money with Beachbody to go? I didn't know my children's vacation schedule for the year? I didn't know if I would be able to get off work? Heck, I didn't know if I would even still be coaching?!!!! And now today, this weekend, none of those excuses are VALID!!!! I could so be there and I should be there, but I let my excuses get in the way! Listen, don't let you excuses get in the way! If you want it... GO FOR IT!!!! Don't look back, just do it!!! Thank goodness for the most awesome team we have! I love them and I couldn't be here without them! But next year, we WILL be celebrating at SUMMIT!!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Summit 2014 LIVE !!!!! Breaking News !!!!!!!!!


Beachbody WILL be LIVE STREAMING its MOMENTOUS and EPIC event in Las Vegas, Coach 2014! Do not miss as second as Beachbody unveils THE HOTEST workout of 2014, PiYo from Turbo Jam,TurboFire ROCK STAR Celebrity Trainer, Chalene Johnson.

If you want to tune in LIVE, set a reminder on your smart phone for 6PM Central, Thursday, June 19th, and bookmark: NO EXCUSE FITNESS FAMILY: SUMMIT 2014 LIVE !!!!

Have you have ever been curious about Beachbody... this is the best way to FIND OUT!!! And if you are a Beachbody Coach that is going to miss Coach Summit... there is nothing better than LIVE... but this is a NICE SURPRISE for you.

Date: June 19 - 2014 - 6PM Central

READY TO JOIN and be a part of not just changing the world, but be a part of one of the fast growing and awesome teams within Beachbody!?! JOIN NOW

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

PiYo Coming This Thursday !!!!!!!!!!!!

Everything You Need to Know about PiYo!

PiYo Opener

 First thing’s first, what is “PiYo” and why am I so excited for the release?

A few years ago, Chalene Johnson noticed people wanted a program that combined strength, flexibility and cardio. She developed and introduced PiYo to gyms around the world and now, for the first time on DVD, Beachbody is releasing this low impact workout with high intensity results to YOU.
What is PiYo
PiYo is a program that helps you carve an intensely defined physique-without jumps, without weights, and without joint strain. Using body weight, PiYo uses low-impact, high-intensity movements inspired by Pilates and yoga. The result? Long, lean, muscles, a high, firm booty, and tight, flat, sexy abs. PiYo will work every single muscle to stabilize, stretch, and strengthen every inch of a body. And since Chalene Johnson cranked up the speed and the fun, crazy calories will be burned too!  
Who is the trainer that created PiYo?
Chalene Johnson, most commonly known for TurboFire, TurboJam, and Chalene Extreme. She is also well known for her work as an entrepreneurial mentor, writing the best selling book, “Push,” as well as creator of The 30 Day Push and The Impact Academy.

When will PiYo be released?

At Beachbody’s annual conference, Summit, June 2014.

Is there a Team Beachbody exclusive purchase window?

Yes. There is a 2-week exclusive window for Coaches and their customers to purchase PiYo on Team Beachbody before it is available to the general public. 

What will be included with the PiYo base kit?

8 workouts plus 1 bonus workout

How much will PiYo retail for?

Customers: $59.85
Club Members: $53.87
Coaches: $44.89

Who is PiYo marketed towards?

PiYo is marketed towards individuals of all ages and fitness levels.
beginner to advance

Chalene Johnson’s FAQ:

Why are you so excited to introduce PiYo?PiYo is a proven program that has been so effective in gyms around the world. I’m super excited to bring it to DVD because it’s the program that will shape, strengthen and heal people’s bodies.
Sounds incredible. Who is the ideal PiYo customer, then?PiYo is for anyone who wants a workout that will help them work on flexibility, cardio and strength—at the same time.
What are the main things you need to know about PiYo?Studies show that a more flexible muscle has greater strength potential which leads to better results. The training you get during PiYo allows you to burn incredible amounts of calories that you wouldn’t in a static type workout.
What inspired you to create PiYo?Whenever I create a fitness program I start with a need. I was doing yoga, but I still felt like I needed to stretch certain areas, do more cardio, and lift more weights. So, I started to think, “How can I get more flexible and develop strength and cardio?” 
Did you develop PiYo in response to anything you struggled with personally in your own training?Totally! I always found I would finish and feel like I didn’t really stretch certain areas. I felt so tight and I’m a fitness professional, it was embarrassing. So when I was developing PiYo I asked my students to show me the one muscle that was the tightest. When people did that I saw five different stretches. It made me realize the important of focusing on flexibility needs so my students could be better at running, etc. I wanted to make PiYo really functional and forget the traditional rules of stretching.
What types of results can people expect to see from PiYo?My goal is to make everything easier for you. I want you to trust that you can use your own body weight to make yourself stronger. The transformation people will see is amazing.
For example, I have a letter from a lady who said, “Since I started PiYo six months ago, I have broken every single personal marathon pace and I’m astonishingly faster than I ever dreamed possible. I broke the four-hour mark for my marathon time and I know it’s because of Piyo. Plus, normally I’m spent for a week after a marathon, but the next day I felt great!
Would you say PiYo is accessible for all fitness levels?Yes! PiYo is truly accessible for everyone from the brand spanking new, to the super tight, but super fit. We did some cool things with camera angles so it is very clear how to do each move.
You always have such good playlists. Do you have favorite songs for your PiYo workouts?When I do PiYo I like moody, cool indie music. I love Marina and the Diamonds, Lady Gaga, even old school like Marvin Gaye –  anything that gives me a sexy, cool, soulful mood. The music in PiYo is really important because if the right song is playing it tells you how to move and flow.
Do you have a favorite move or workout from PiYo?It’s not a move or workout, but Beachbody granted me my wish. I had an idea to incorporate a piece of equipment that we don’t currently have in our catalog. I’m absolutely in love with it and all the workouts that feature this equipment are my favorite. It’s going to blow peoples’ minds and it’s killing me not to tell you what it is. But more details to come soon…
If you would like to be one of the FIRST to be notified of more PiYo news and the release date, join my mailing list here:

**This page will be updated as more information is released.
Piyo Out

Monday, June 16, 2014

A Moment of Truth !!!!!!!

Alrighty everyone!!! I am BACK from my vacation! We had fun and lots of family time and we enjoyed ourselves so it was worth it! However, when I stepped on the scale this morning to weight in after not caring for two weeks I just wanted to cry!!! I don't regret it but I did want to share some insight! I worked out the whole time because now working out is something I actually enjoy doing and helps bring peace however I are anything I wanted too. My body feels like poo and I know I will struggle in my workouts trying to recover. In the many years I have been doing this with my weight I have learned it does not matter how hard you are pushing yourself during your workouts and how often or how much you are working out... If you are fueling you body with crud you will NOT see the results you are hoping for. I know it is hard to imagine that but I have put the theory to the test several times and it is true. And on the most heart breaking side of it! If you consume alcohol if gets even worst!!! Believe me..... I like (love) to drink and just relax, but the set backs you will see by drinking is 10 times worst. I am not saying to cut it out completely unless you are truly that dedicated but just think about it some. How much do you want it? How much is it worth? 

Today I will be picking myself up off the floor and starting Insanity again until I can get my hands on PIYO!!!!! Which I am crazy about and can't wait to start that! But today is time for that workout and back to my nutrition goals! To me... It's worth it.... I don't need that stuff that is pulling me down and looking back on life there are more times I have regretted those choices or my choice to be healthier and more positive in my life! So as I start again today I want you all to check in on me time for time and make sure I am sticking to these goals of mine! I am still a work in progress but I have no doubts that I can do it, especially with friends like you in my corner! Now who's with me! Who's ready to do a bit more clean eating and see more results!?! Cause I am so ready.....

It's Not a Scam, It's My Dream !!!!!!!!

"If I lost everything and had to start again, I would find myself a great network marketing company and get to work." - Donald Trump

Gosh you have no idea how many comments or implications I hear about Beachbody being a pyramid scheme and I would suggest for ALL to do their research as in looking into any possible job! I find it funny that people still think this way but maybe because I see it for it's true and great potential. So I thought this article may help a few. I see Beachbody coaches work for many coaches every single day and change their lives forever!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Anyone up for a FREE Push-up Challenge???

In efforts to help make the world just a tad bit healthier with our little steps we are offering something really big!!! If you would like to join us in our FREE Push-up Challenge please let me know over on Facebook!!!! 

I would love to run this!!! Anyone else?!?

I remember the days I would hate to run! I would dread every single second and couldn't stand the thought of it. Now it is a quite time and place to clear my head. Work out issues in my mind, feel true feelings that normally don't have time to surface, and appreciate how far I have come. I think running this would just intensify those same emotions and I would love to give it a try one day! Maybe one of you can join me....

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Join Our Team !?!

BENEFITS are endless but here are just a few:
* 25% commission on anything somebody buys from Beachbody using one of your links.
* You can also< if you choose to, have a team of coaches. Everything rolls up and there are a ton of bonuses that can be earned. 
* 25% discount on all Beachbody products including merchandise.
* You get paid WEEKLY!!!
* No inventory needed, Beachbody takes care of everything on that end
*Access to an entire team of experts on health and fitness
* Assess to marketing materials and guidance on how to build your business and be successful
* Work at home
* NO commuting, NO BOSS
* More quality time with your family and friends
* Meet people from all around the world

*** An undeniable PASSION for health and fitness
*** Be in the best shape of your life and feel at your very best*** Increased confidence in LIFE