Thursday, June 19, 2014

Team in June 2014

So last night I was having to go through a storage area in my home to pull out some old paperwork from my past (you know that stuff you hide so you don't think about?). And I was already pretty heart broken because six months ago I made a choice not to go to Summit with my team!!! So as I sat there looking through this stuff gathering information I need to hopefully move on with some future plans I was really wishing I had a crystal ball!!! If six months ago I could have taken a look at where I am today I would think NO WAY!!!! Just a short six months ago I remember the excuses I used to verify that decision!!! I didn't know if I would be making enough money with Beachbody to go? I didn't know my children's vacation schedule for the year? I didn't know if I would be able to get off work? Heck, I didn't know if I would even still be coaching?!!!! And now today, this weekend, none of those excuses are VALID!!!! I could so be there and I should be there, but I let my excuses get in the way! Listen, don't let you excuses get in the way! If you want it... GO FOR IT!!!! Don't look back, just do it!!! Thank goodness for the most awesome team we have! I love them and I couldn't be here without them! But next year, we WILL be celebrating at SUMMIT!!!!

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