Saturday, July 25, 2015

Fit Club Friends

Fit Club was another awesome one!!!! Sorry I didn't get this posted earlier but right after I ran off to the beach for some errands and family time. Though as the day went on though I was reminded several times how much these relationships mean to me. 

I see people come and go from my life constantly and from the lives of my friends and yet these healthy relationships based on pure friendship and love sustain. We have watch each other and ourselves deal with deaths, losses, gains, troubles within our families, troubles and victories within our businesses. It's amazing how instantly we are right their having each other's backs. Even more amazing that a workout, a dumb selfish workout, can bring a team together.... And afterwards a sense of relief and peace of our problems. 

With them I know I can handle it all. Without them I would be lost. 

WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER!!!! #weareone #wethinkalike #itsmorethanateam #weareafamily #thereisnoIinTEAM #teamwork #fitclub

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