Saturday, July 11, 2015

Fit Club

What's up!!! The best morning at Fit Club yet!!! Check out our crew!!! Some say living this lifestyle is just too hard and I NOW would argue that (in the past I would have agreed). Now that I have changed my life I am surrounded everyday by FRIENDS who continue to push me to be a better me, to be the person I strive to be and for that I am thankful. 

When I started as a Beachbody Coach I was only one coach, had very few friends living this lifestyle and countless amounts of people who thought I was just downright crazy. I heard it all and thought it all from friends who unfriended me on Facebook to people who just didn't understand how someone who was still overweight be a good coach and yet here I am... Still coaching and yes somewhere we must be doing something right because we continue to grow and grow. The No Excuse Fitness Family continues to grow more than I ever imagined and more and more people who are the coolest people I have ever met keep joining in this healthy lifestyle with me! 

Looking back to the old me, 70 lbs heavier, exhausted from babies, beaten up by life's dilemmas and living in skin I couldn't stand.... I am so happy I ignored the doubt within myself, that I let certain friends fade, that I used those words of others as motivation because now I can truly live and love the life I am living!!! 

It's happening all around you all! It truly is and if your ready to join in on the go either in our groups or on our team reach out! You can do this too! I know for me I am all about doing it and making it fun!!! And seriously would love to enjoy this life with you!!! #livingthelife #abetterme #makingwaves #fitclub #noexcuses #noregrets

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